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Ladies Night Follow Up| March 31, 6:30PM

Ladies; we’re also providing a follow up to Ladies night (anyone is welcome). We’ll go deeper in convo with each other, and with the Word we’re taught from Ladies Night. It’s going to be awesome! Let us know you are coming here.


YA | April 3, 6:30PM

A night specially designed for Young Adults ages 18-30. A gathering for community and fun, but also a deeper look into what it means to know Jesus.

Pre Marriage

Pre-Marriage Class | Starting MaY 7, 6:30PM

Is there a wedding in your future? Grace offers a six-week Pre-Marriage class on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., starting May 7 and ending June 11. 

The cost is $43.00. 


For more information, contact Pastor Rick at


Men's Night | May 15, 6:30PM

Men’s Night is all about good food and conversations that matter. It’s a space to be encouraged and challenged to lead — in your own life, at home, and in the community. Come ready to laugh, connect, and leave with something real to take with you.


Ladies Night | MaY 22, 6:30PM

Ladies, this one’s for you! You’ve been asking for more connection, both personal and spiritual—and we’re here for it. This Ladies’ Night is all about worship, community, and food for the soul (that’s powerful biblical teaching!).