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Easter Banner


The resurrection changed everything.

The empty tomb shows Jesus’ power over death. It is evidence that Jesus is real and brings hope in every circumstance.

We’ll have four service options with full Grace Kids programming in each service for birth through 3rd grade. Plus there’s a preteens service for 4th and 5th graders! Services will be dynamic and impactful with music, video and a live word on why all this matters.

Good Friday


Good Friday is a quiet, reverent come-and-go experience focusing on Jesus and his death on the cross.

We’ll have stations throughout campus to help you contemplate the price Jesus paid so you can know God.

Grace Kids is open for birth through 3rd grace in the Kids building. If your kids are ready for this introspective experience, they are welcome to join you. Both other buildings will be used for Good Friday stations, including communion. 

Come and plan to stay for at least 45 minutes.